
✅ Licence: %100 Original and Premium License
✅ Duration: 1 Year
✅ Domain Usage: 1 website
✅ Includes: WPThemesBox Licence Active Plugin + Activation Key
✅ Delivery: Install on Your Site and Start Using Immediately (Only 2min)

Original Item

Acquired author’s agency license for cost-effective, licensed service, adding automatic updates to your site.

Automatic Updates

Upon key addition, author’s updates sent; manage product updates via WordPress dashboard.

100% Legal

Official licenses provided, not resold. Automatic key activation with WPThemesBox plugin upon purchase.


Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $12.00.

Roxeen, the content theme of cute and charming designs. Its unique design instantly wins you over. A very friendly blog and content theme.

✅ Licence: %100 Original and Premium License
✅ Duration: 1 Year
✅ Domain Usage: 1 website
✅ Includes: WPThemesBox Licence Active Plugin + Activation Key
✅ Delivery: Install on Your Site and Start Using Immediately (Only 2min)

Frequently Asked Questions

We are not reselling an official license. The licensing key will be automatic added to your or your client’s website once you purchase your selected plan. We have taken agency plans from the original author , which gives us the freedom to use the license on unlimited sites . Because of this, we give it to people who can’t afford to invest thousands of dollars in their beginning phase, like new bloggers and web developers.

After placing your order, you will proceed to your My Account page to download and install the WPThemesBox Licence Activate plugin on your website. You will then activate the plugin using your unique activation key, such as “32a95x51x6e5c,” which you will find on your My Account page. This will allow you to install your purchased themes and plugins with a single click, ensuring they are 100% authentic and premium.

Our fully automated system allows you to complete the entire process in just 2 minutes, without any assistance.

You can also buy direct from the original site. However, the original author provides 1-year updates for a single domain for more than $50-250. Also, your website will receive automatic updates since we will add a license key for the agency plan update. Decide what’s right for you.

Please note that we do not offer domain change services. If you provide us with valid reasons, we may offer you this in certain cases.


You can return the products you purchased unconditionally. Enjoy for 7 days, if you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund your full payment. Click here for the return instructions.

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Buy Roxeen PRO Theme

Are you looking to elevate your website’s design and functionality? Look no further than Roxeen PRO Theme – a versatile and feature-rich WordPress theme designed to enhance your online presence. In this article, we will explore the benefits, features, and purchasing options of Roxeen PRO Theme, helping you make an informed decision for your website.

Introduction to Roxeen PRO Theme

Roxeen PRO Theme is a premium WordPress theme that offers a wide range of features to help you engaging website. With its sleek design and customizable options, Roxeen PRO Theme has gained popularity among website owners looking to stand out in the digital landscape.

Features of Roxeen PRO Theme

Responsive Design

One of of Roxeen PRO Theme is its responsive design, ensuring that your website looks great on all devices, from desktop mobile phones.

Customization Options

With Roxeen PRO Theme, you have full control over the look and your website. Customize, fonts, layouts, and more to create a unique online presence.

SEO Optimization

Roxeen PRO Theme is optimized for search engines, helping your website rank higher in search results and attract more organic traffic.

Speed and Performance

Speed is crucial for user experience and SEO. Roxeen PRO Theme is designed for optimal performance, ensuring fast loading times for your visitors.

E-commerce Compatibility

Whether you run an online store or plan to integrate e-commerce features, Roxeen PRO Theme is compatible with popular e-commerce plugins, making it easy to set up your online shop.

Benefits of Using Roxeen PRO Theme

Enhanced User Experience

By providing a seamless and visually appealing experience for your visitors, Roxeen PRO Theme can help increase user engagement and retention.

Improved SEO Ranking

With its SEO-friendly design and features, Roxeen PRO Theme can boost your website’s visibility in search engine results, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Increased Conversion Rates

A well-designed website can lead to higher conversion rates. Roxeen PRO Theme’s clean and modern design can help convert visitors into customers or subscribers.

Time and Cost-Efficiency

Save time and resources with Roxeen PRO Theme’s easy-to-use customization options and pre-built templates, allowing you to create a professional website without the need for extensive coding or design skills.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Users who have implemented Roxeen PRO Theme on their websites have reported positive feedback regarding its design, performance, and ease of use. Real-life testimonials showcase the impact Roxeen PRO Theme has had on improving their online presence.

Comparison with Other Themes

When compared to free themes or other premium themes in the market, Roxeen PRO Theme stands out for its comprehensive features, customization options, and dedicated support, making it a preferred choice for website owners looking for a reliable and versatile theme.

Case Studies of Successful Websites Using Roxeen PRO

Explore examples of successful websites that have implemented Roxeen PRO Theme and learn how they have leveraged its features to achieve their online goals. These case studies provide insights into the versatility effectiveness of Roxeen PRO Theme in various industries.

Tips for Maximizing Roxeen PRO Theme

Customization Tips

Experiment with different customization options to create a website that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

SEO Strategies

Utilize Roxeen PRO Theme’s built-in SEO features and optimize your content to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results.

Performance Optimization

Regularly monitor and optimize your website’s performance to ensure fast loading times and a smooth user experience for your visitors.

Future Updates and Support

Stay updated with the latest features and enhancements of Roxeen PRO Theme through future updates provided by the developers. Additionally, benefit from dedicated customer support to address any queries issues you may encounter while using the theme.